
Solution Based Pastoral Counseling

PART 1: THE COUNSELING SETTINGOverviewSolution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a short-term therapy that focuses on potential solutions rather than problems. SFBT is a brief therapy that limits the number of counseling sessions to approximately four or five sessions,...

John Wesley’s Doctrine of Justification

INTRODUCTIONSome consider John Wesley the most influential theologian since the sixteenth century.[1] Alternatively, many academicians do not believe Wesley was even a “real” theologian.[2] Furthermore, the eclectic nature of Wesleyan thought has been...

Foundational Doctrines for Pastoral Counselors

IntroductionSince the writings of Paul, the doctrine of justification has likely caused more controversy than all other doctrines combined. From Augustine’s influence upon Luther’s breakthrough interpretation of Roman 1:17 that led to the Protestant...

John the Baptist: Character Study

                         Character Study: John the Baptist                                     Lesson One:...

Unreached People Group of Yemen

IntroductionThe Bible testifies to the necessity of taking the message of the gospel to all the nations. Writing to the churches in Galatia, the Apostle Paul reminds his readers in Galatians 3:8 that “Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by...

Theology of Missions

IntroductionThe twentieth-century explosion of the advancement of global mission is unprecedented. However, an important question to consider is the specific basis for global mission for today’s Christians.  The purpose of this paper is to articulate a...

Religious Freedom: Two Baptist Views

IntroductionSince the passing of the first amendment to the United States Constitution, historians have debated the influence of Baptists upon religious liberty in America. A question remains regarding the extent of homogeneity among Baptists regarding religious...

Exposition of Jonah 3

IntroductionMany pastors and teachers through the years have taught that the book of Jonah, and specifically chapter 3, represents powerful preaching, incredible missionary prowess, and extraordinary evangelistic results. However, the question of the efficacy of...

Old Testament: Messianic Expectation

The Old Testament establishes a robust messianic expectation that becomes increasingly apparent through a careful biblical-theological analysis. The following essay briefly analyzes the biblical-theological approach and then mentions a few necessary theological...

Theology of Jonah

IntroductionThe overall theological message of the book of Jonah has been debated throughout the centuries. The vast number of themes in Jonah surely contribute to the diversity of the debate. A popular proposal is to read the book of Jonah typologically where Jonah...

Ecclesiastes and Psychoanalysis

The book of Ecclesiastes has a long and storied history of interpretation. From the arguments at the Council of Jamnia over canonicity, Jerome’s Neoplatonic allegorical reading, and the literal and theological readings of Luther and Melanchthon during the...

Ancient Near East Background of the Bible

The similarities between ancient Near Eastern texts and the Old Testament are palpable, which has spawned a multitude of cross-cultural and comparative studies. Based on the significant relational connections, some conclude that the Bible is one of many ancient myths,...

Ecclesiastes 9:1-10: Exegetical Analysis

The book of Ecclesiastes has a long history of interpretation. On the one hand, it would be easy for some scholars to suggest that significant portions of the text are heretical. On the other hand, it might be tempting for conservative scholars to contort...

Figurative Language of the Old Testament

The abundant use of figurative language within the Old Testament’s prophetic corpus requires a thoughtful interpretive approach. The following essay first expounds on the metaphorical language in prophetic rhetoric in the Old Testament and then distinguishes...

Jeremiah 20: Literary Features

Prophetic rhetoric utilizes the structure and form of language to effectively communicate a message, and the prophet Jeremiah represents one of the finest rhetoricians of all time. A key question for interpretation is how literary features inform understanding....

Relevance of Prophetic Preaching

IntroductionThe issue of idolatry continues to pervade the life of many Christians. An important question is how the Old Testament prophets point to timeless, practical principles related to idolatry that inform and enhance a modern believer’s life. By ignoring...

Ezekiel 36: Recovery of Honor

IntroductionIn Ezekiel chapter 36, Yahweh conveys a message to His prophet in the form of a divine monologue that evolves into a transformational message to the Israelites. Famously, the promised heart transplant continues to astound and amaze both its readers and...

Background and Themes of Judges

Engaging any literary masterpiece requires more than a simple reading of the text. In the case of biblical literature, and especially with regard to the fascinating historical narratives in the book of Judges, an understanding of the broader landscape of the ancient...

The Functions of Old Testament Law

The relationship between the two Testaments has been debated from a time even before Marcion made his infamous assertion that the Testaments must be referring to two completely different Gods. Questions remain regarding the exact meaning of the Old Testament law, its...

Galatians 3.19-29: Participation In Christ

The debate between the relationship between the Old Testament and the gospel message began with the arrival of Christ and continued into the New Testament writings and beyond. However, the Apostle Paul emphatically asserts that the law and promise are not...