Money worries causing you to feel anxious and depressed? This video training shows a biblical perspective on money and the worries that accompany them. Watch this video training to find out the truth that will set you free from your money worries while teaching you how to work with others when they are facing money their own worries.
What does setting boundaries mean and how do you do it? This video training answers both these questions in a way that could transform the way you think about boundaries and relationships forever.
When is blaming others the right thing to do? When is blaming yourself actually healthy? Confusion reigns in this rubix cube of the mind. Your husband has an affair. Your child brings home an “F”. You feel anger toward your daughter or betrayed by your spouse. Who is to blame? Is anyone to blame for anything? It’s a deceptively slippery slope that this week’s Lives Transforming webinar tackles.
My child just brought home his first “F” – now what? What are people going to think? What kind of a parent am I? These thoughts seem to attack us out of nowhere. What is true? We attack this issue head on in this webinar and focus on what is true – and exactly how our view of God’s Truth to this circumstance propels us to respond in a healthy way.
I want what they have – or – I want to be more like them. Wanting what we don’t have and wanting to be who we are not has been a struggle for humanity since, well…the Garden. This week we cut the legs out from underneath this very common emotion that seems to pervade almost every part of western culture.
This week we look at one of the Dietrich Bonhoeffer quotes that is a Truth that has the ability to crush a myriad of lies that we believe. Whether it’s anger, hate, lust, regret or even a feeling of being utterly overwhelmed Bonhoeffer provides an insight into God’s Truth that is life transforming. This is a “can’t miss” webinar.
Single…Divorced…Widowed…or maybe even married, but – Lonely? A scary proposition for sure. But wait, there is another way. Paradoxically, a way to destroy loneliness or, more likely, the fear of loneliness and open up a whole new way of looking at the underlying causes of being scared of being alone. It’s time for you to be free of fear and move into – instead of away from – healthy relationships.
A feeling of inadequacy is natural when you are exasperated by the thought that overcoming your sin is impossible. However, have you ever thought that maybe you are right…YOU can’t overcome your sin? That’s exactly what this video training addresses. It will bring you relief, comfort and ultimately…Freedom!
Thoughts create Emotions and Emotions create our Actions. So what do you do when someone is facing an emotion of despair during a potential divorce but their thought seems true…like “I want to keep my marriage vows.” How can “I want to keep my marriage vows” possibly be an unhealthy thought? This video will uncover the hidden danger in such an apparently healthy thought.
He SHOULD be more intimate. She SHOULD be more physical. My children SHOULD be better students. My toddler SHOULD stop whining. These should statements create frustration and anger that seems to eat away if we let them. This week we are going to attack these nasty should statements and decrease our frustration by learning how to stop “shoulding” on people.