
Spheres and Stages of Discipleship

Spheres and Stages of Discipleship Introduction Discipleship is not a singular event, but instead, it is a lifelong endeavor. The question of how believers develop into disciples varies among scholars. Without an understanding of the discipleship process, believers...

Christ in Discipleship

Christ in Discipleship Introduction For almost two millennia, from Augustine to N. T. Wright, scholars and laymen alike have struggled with the nature of Christ’s involvement in the process of Christian discipleship. The question of how Christ is central to...

An Exegesis of Romans 7:7-25

An Exegesis of Romans 7:7-25 Introduction Romans 7:7-25 is one of the most challenging exegetical and theological enigmas in the New Testament. The primary questions pertain to the identification of the “I”, whether the “I” is regenerate, and...

Exegesis Isaiah 40:1-11

Introduction The voices in Isaiah 40:1-11 have vexed scholars for centuries and the passage continues to contribute to significant scholarly output. However, scholars continue to underestimate the significance of the grammatical-syntactical impact on determining the...

Gap Theory

Introduction In the early twentieth century, a footnote in The Scofield Reference Bible made popular a theory of creation recognized as the “Restitution Theory” or the “Gap Theory.” The theory proposed a significant gap of time between Genesis...

Niphal Verb Form

Introduction A dispute continues among modern scholars regarding the translation value of the Niphal verb נִבְרְכ֣וּ in Genesis 12:3. The final phrase of verse 3 presents the translation challenge:...

Law of Moses

Law of Moses In Hebrew, two side-by-side nouns form a construct chain, which may express a possessive relationship between two nouns, where the first is the construct noun and the second is the genitive noun. However, a construct chain has a broad semantic range....

Paul’s Perspective on “Works of the Law”

Since 1977, when E. P. Sanders’s Paul and Palestinian Judaism landed on traditional Pauline scholarship with a thud, a raging debate over Paul’s perspective of the Law ensued. Central to the ongoing debate is the interpretation of the Pauline phrase “works of the Law.”

Martin Luther’s Righteousness of God

One of the most theologically rich phrases in the corpus of the Apostle Paul’s writings is the “righteousness of God.” In many ways, Martin Luther’s breakthrough interpretation of the phrase provided the impetus for the Protestant Reformation. However, modern scholars have disputed Luther’s interpretation, which has potentially put a core construct of Protestant theology at risk.

Doctrine of Justification

Wesley’s doctrine of justification is a conjunctive theology based on both Protestant and catholic influences.

Critique of Secular Humanism

The purpose of this paper is to provide a critique of secular humanism. The analysis will show that secular humanism holds five common tenets that are flawed. Specifically, this paper will provide a summary of the worldview, followed by a discussion of the flaws of the belief system, as well as a proposed plan for sharing the gospel of Christ with an individual who holds the worldview of secular humanism.

The Life of John the Baptist

We are going to begin a study of an important, but less prominent character in Scripture. In the next three lessons, we will explore John the Baptist. Although the stereotypes of John the Baptist may be numerous, we will attempt to answer various questions about John. What kind of life did John lead, and how did he die? Who did John think he was, and who did others, including Christ, think John the Baptist was while ministering on earth? In addition, how did John minister and what was his message?

Barth Revelation

This research will show that Barthian revelation is manifested in a transcendent, operative, and triune God. First, it will be shown how God exists in Barthian revelation by exploring God’s transcendence. Second, the question of how God is known in revelation will be investigated by exploring the specific forms of God’s operative work. Third, the topic of how God is present within revelation will be addressed by exploring the triune nature of God. Finally, an analysis of two notable critiques will be provided followed by a brief defense of each accusation.

Luther Salvation

This research shows that Luther’s view of the nature God’s righteousness culminates in an alien righteousness characterizing Luther’s distinct breakthrough. This study provides a brief etymological introduction of the righteousness of God, followed by an analysis of Luther’s break with the theology of his peers, the via moderna. The distinct nature of Luther’s breakthrough will then be revealed in his divergence with Augustine. An exploration of potential traditional alternatives to Luther’s distinct breakthrough will be reviewed, and finally, a fascinating look into a possible non-traditional alternative embodied in Ritschlian theology will be investigated.

Substitutionary Atonement

Cur Deus Homo is Latin for, “Why God became man?” Anselm of Canterbury is an ingenious medieval theologian who is credited for the current evangelical understanding of Substitutionary Atonement. This research explores the concept of iustitia in the development of Anselm’s Satisfaction theory of atonement and provides evidence proving the validity of the theory in light of three influential modern critiques.

Intertestamental Period

Are you interested in the Intertestamental Period? This article reviews the four hundred years prior to John the Baptist that lays a rich historical framework for the ministry of Jesus Christ. Introduction The paradoxical realization that a tumultuous and ruthless...

Synoptic Problem

This research will provide a brief overview of the Synoptic Problem, a history of the investigation into the relationship between the Synoptic Gospels, a summarization of the similarities and differences of the Synoptics, proposed solutions to the Synoptic Problem emphasizing the dependent and independent hypotheses as well as a further exploration and defense of the Augustinian Proposal.