
Stages of Discipleship

Stages of Discipleship In your thread, analyze and summarize the 3 stages of discipleship. Give ideas and suggestions for each stage and discuss how you plan to develop and implement those ideas in your church ministry context. Response Discipleship is a process, not...

Letters Found in The New Testament

Letters Found in The New Testament Question What are the general characteristics of letters as they are found in the New Testament? How important for interpretation are the historical and literary contexts for these documents? Why did first century writers employ the...

Acts as Theological History

Acts as Theological History Question Give an explanation of the genre of the book of Acts as theological history.  What are the implications for this particular genre on the interpretation of the book?  How does the reader differentiate between the theology and the...

Characteristics of Words

Characteristics of Words Question List the 5 characteristics of words. Which one was new to you?  Which one do you think is most important? Why? Define “connotative” and “denotative” meanings. What are the steps for performing a word study? How important are word...

Historical-Cultural Background

Historical-Cultural Background Question Define the phrase “historical-cultural background.” What is the significance of this material in interpreting the Bible properly? Describe the process of “contextualization.” How would you explain contextualization to a new...

Grasping God’s Word

Grasping God’s Word Question Using the 9 items to consider when reading sentences as listed in chapter 3 of Grasping God’s Word (i.e., repetition of words, contrasts, comparisons, lists, cause and effect, figures of speech, conjunctions, verbs, pronouns),...

Presuppositions/Foundational Beliefs and Preunderstandings

Presuppositions/Foundational Beliefs and Preunderstandings Question  Offer a definition of the terms “presuppositions/foundational beliefs” and “preunderstandings.” How can we test these things to see if they are adequate or appropriate? What...

The History of Biblical Interpretation

The History of Biblical Interpretation Consider the history of biblical interpretation and choose 1 time period and 1 person whose method offers the most promise for attaining a clear interpretation of Scripture today. Be sure to identify the person and the method...

Allegorical Methods

Allegorical Methods  Question Throughout the history of the Bible, allegorical methods have been employed as a means to discover a “hidden meaning” in the text. Outline the use of allegorical approaches and discuss the benefits and pitfalls of utilizing...

Qanah Interpretation in Genesis

Do you think procreation is a possible interpretive option for qanah in Genesis 4:1 (i.e., “I have procreated a man…”)? Why or why not? The narrator of Genesis states, “Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave...

Textual Criticism: Deuteronomy 32:8-9 and Genesis 49:10

Deuteronomy 32:8-9 According to the BHS, a textual variant occurs in the last two words of Deuteronomy 32:8. The NASB translates the last half of the verse as follows: “He set the boundaries of the peoples according to the number of the sons of Israel”...

Hebrew Translation of קנה in Scripture

Introduction A debate over the meaning of the Hebrew verb קנה dates back to the Church Fathers. At issue is the way Proverbs 8:22-31 assigns the status of co-creator to wisdom in the Old Testament and Jesus in the New Testament. The implications of...

Noah’s Nakedness

Noah’s Nakedness The enigmatic account of Genesis 9:20-24 is not without difficulties. Specifically, the narrative states, “Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father” (Gen. 9:22 [NASB]). The vehement response to Ham’s activity...

Hay’s Interpretation of Old Testament Law

Reflect on Hays’ article and assess his understanding of the how Christians should use the Old Testament law. Examine the strengths and weaknesses of his approach. Also, explain how the article contributed to your overall understanding of this issue. Daniel Hays...

Mark Driscoll’s Creation Debate

Briefly explain which view of creation you hold and why. Then, reflect on what the article has contributed to your understanding of the debate over Creation. Historical creationism asserts that God created the universe, which lasted for an indeterminate amount of...

Literary Analysis of David & Bathsheba

Literary Features and Techniques The narrative of David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 11:1-27 provides a quintessential example of a tragic moral collapse. However, the depth of meaning and significance of the narrative may remain hidden without adequate attention paid to...

Paul’s writings to Thessalonica

The occasion and purpose for the writing of 1 & 2 Thessalonians. Who were the opponents of Paul in Thessalonica? What was the nature of the opponents’ teaching, and how did Paul respond to it?