
Old Testament Prophecy, Divination, and Magic

Biblical prophecy is not completely unique. It resides in a long history of ancient Near Eastern prophecy. John Walton identifies three different ancient Near Eastern texts that provide parallels to biblical prophecy: the Mari Letters, oracles from the Neo-Assyrian...

Exodus: Geography and Archaeology

IntroductionThe archaeological data relevant to the book of Exodus spans from small pieces of papyri to the Sphinx Dream Stele in front of the magisterial Great Sphinx of Giza. The historical geography relevant to Exodus provides insight into some of the most hotly...

Biblical Covenants, Laws, & Treaties

A correct interpretation of the Mosaic Covenant depends on a proper understanding of the structure or arrangement of the covenant. As a prologue to the discussion, William Barrick importantly explains that all biblical covenants were “promulgated by the divine...

Exodus: Comparative Literary Analysis

IntroductionThe number of literary parallels between the ancient Near Eastern literature and the book of Exodus likely eclipses the parallels within many of the other Old Testament books combined. The comparative literature that encompasses the book of Exodus features...

Old Testament Cognitive Environment Criticism

IntroductionFrom Friedrich Delitzsch’s Babel-Bibel lectures that accused the biblical writers of crass plagiarism to the name calling of Thomas Thompson, who applies the fundamentalist label to anyone who believes that the historicity of the Old Testament, the...

Canonical Importance of Exodus

The canonical importance of Exodus is evident in the entirety of Scripture, from Genesis through the New Testament. First, Exodus pulls together the covenant narrative of Genesis and moves it forward. The Israelites cry out to help from God due to their bondage and...

The Spirit in Biblical Interpretation

The role of the Holy Spirit in the hermeneutical process rests on an understanding of both objective and subjective authority. Millard Erickson explains that for Christians the objective basis of authority is Scripture, whereas the subjective basis of authority is the...

Philippians 4:13 Misinterpretation

The verse that I incorrectly interpreted was Paul’s optimistic statement in his letter to the Philippians: “I can do all things through him who strengthens me” (Phil 4:13).[1] My original interpretation simply took the English translation at face...

Typology of Habakkuk 2:4

The Apostle Paul’s quotation of Habakkuk 2:4 in Galatians 3:11 provides an example of typology. Darrell Bock dichotomizes typology into typological-prophetic and typological-prophetic.[1] The latter appears to align with the type or pattern found in Paul’s...

Hebrew Warning Passages: Arminian View

A Classical Arminian View: Outline[1]Introduction: Humanity decides whether to let the Spirit works or lives within.First Warning Passage: The Dangers of Drifting Away: Hebrews 2:1-4Lesser to Greater: Old revelation at Sinai points to a greater revelation of the...

Holy Spirit in Revelation

The Spirit of Prophecy: Outline[1]Introduction: An exploration of the ways the book of Revelation describes the Holy Spirit.The Spirit of God: The question pertains to the identification of the seven spirits referred to in Revelation 1:4.Seven Angels: One possibility...

Overcoming in the Book of Revelation

Overcoming According to RevelationThe concept of overcoming is a theme that pervades the book of Revelation. The Greek term that is often translated into “overcoming” is normally a form of the lemma νικάω, which can mean to...

The Assurance of a Christian

Assurance BlogpostLast year I had a dear Christian friend call me on her cell phone in tears. She was a young woman who had attended church all her life, graduated from a Christian university, and spent the last decade as a worship minister with her husband at a very...

Martin Luther and the Book of James

A Letter to Martin LutherDear Martin,It has come to my attention that you have been accused of not valuing the contents of the book of James and, more specifically, asserting that 2:14-26 is an especially loathsome pericope. In fact, some have accused you of...

Exegesis of 1 Peter 3.18-22

A Brief Exposition of 1 Peter 3:18-22The only scholarly consensus surrounding 1 Peter 3:18-22 is that the passage is quite challenging to interpret. The two primary exegetical issues pertain to the location and timing of Christ’s proclamation to the spirits in...

Qualifications of Elders

The Qualifications of Elders and OverseersIn the article “Are the Qualifications for Elders and Overseers Negotiable?” Benjamin Merkle asserts that Paul’s lists of qualifications in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:5-9 are non-negotiable and relevant in a...

The Purpose of Romans

The traditional view that the purpose of Romans was to provide a theological manifesto or treatise has come under fire. Stanley Porter points beyond the traditional view toward seven other possible purposes for the book of Romans: (1) to convey his deepest conviction,...

Paul in Acts vs. the Epistles

The Portrayal of Paul in Acts and the Pauline EpistlesScholars have long noted the differences between Paul as recorded in Acts, and Paul found in his epistles. Stanley Porter identifies five specific differences, which include the lack of references to Paul’s...

The New Perspective on Paul (NPP)

The debate between a “Lutheran” or traditional view of Paul and the New Perspective on Paul (NPP) is likely the most important of the last century regarding Pauline studies. Although overly simplistic, according to the traditional view, the distinction...

The Meaning of 1 Timothy 2:15

A somewhat ironic consensus revolves around the lack of consensus regarding the interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:15: “Yet she will be saved through childbearing – if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control” (ESV). The controversy...