
Themes of the Psalter

At first, the Psalter may appear to be a disparate conglomeration of haphazardly compiled poetry. However, a biblical-theological awareness reflecting upon motifs within the psalms provides a thematic context that not only exposes the Psalter’s unity, but also...

Canonical Context of the Five Scrolls

The Five Scrolls have a long and storied history ranging from questionable canonicity to moral ambiguity. Robert Williamson identifies Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, and the Song of Songs as the five forgotten books that barely made the cut, but eventually...

Canonical Consciousness of the Psalter

One of the few concepts that most scholars agree upon is that context is crucial for proper biblical interpretation. Canonical consciousness is certainly one of the most powerful contextual tools available to the interpreter. As opposed to focusing solely on...

Genre of Biblical Wisdom Literature

Identifying the genre of biblical wisdom literature may be more difficult than any other type of literature. Regarding the book of Proverbs, some scholars assume an overall disunity where random, pithy sayings have been compiled over decades or centuries....

Hebel in Ecclesiastes

Determining the definition of the word hebel is key to understanding and interpreting the book of Ecclesiastes. The following brief analysis argues for a uniform translation of the term. Substantive support for a uniform translation will draw from three directions:...

Old Testament Covenants in Latter Prophets

Old Testament CovenantsWilliamson highlights several important concepts that contribute to a further understanding of the issues related to the Old Testament covenants. First, although Williamson denies an Adamic covenant due to the lack of textual support, the...

Dispensationalism vs Covenantalism in Ezekiel

Progressive Dispensationalism and Progressive CovenantalismProgressive dispensationalism and progressive covenantalism understand the fulfillment of the promises concerning the restoration of Israel in the Old Testament prophets quite differently. According to Robert...

Ezekiel 36:16-32 – Interpretive Issues

Reflections on the Rhetorical Features and Literary GenreThe following summarizes a few brief reflections on the rhetorical features and literary genre of the passage as a whole. Regarding literary structure, the entire book of Ezekiel forms a chiastic arrangement....

Judges: Iconography and Culture

IntroductionThe cultural milieu of any particular ancient society creates a retroactive version of empathy that places the reader inside the shoes of individuals from thousands of years ago. Iconography provides a similar experience but provides images that act as a...

Judges: Interpretive Issues

IntroductionAn analysis of the critical-interpretive issues of the book of Judges allows the student to identify and engage in disparate views that inform coherent conclusions. Unfortunately, scholars not only disagree regarding the outcomes of the arguments, but they...

Judges: Biblical Theological Themes

IntroductionThematic analysis of the book of Judges provides an opportunity for the expositor to examine and identify meaningful patterns to guide the interpretive process. However, scholars disagree not only on which patterns of meaning create thematic initiatives...

Judges: Background Issues

IntroductionThe riveting narratives within the book of Judges are some of the most well-known and beloved stories in all of Scripture. From the fascinating account of Gideon’s fleece to the intrigue of Samson’s escapades, the adventures in the book of...

Judges: Diachronic vs Synchronic

In his book, The Book of the Judges: An Integrated Reading, Barry Webb makes an intriguing comment, “Any formulation of authorial purpose would have to emerge from a consideration of the object and formal characteristics of the text as a whole, and would take...

Foreignors in the Fomer Prophets

The issue of the role and treatment of foreigners in the Former Prophets has been hotly debated. The debate not only occurs within seminaries, but also by proponents of atheism in attempts to prove the cruelty of Yahweh and, more practically, by recent political...

David’s Swan Song in 2 Samuel 23.1-7

The meaning and purpose of any passage of Scripture arise first and foremost from its context. Scholars have recognized that David’s swan song in 2 Samuel 23:1-7 resides within a chiastic structure in the final chapters of the books of Samuel. Grace Ko...

The Biblical Creation Account

Kenneth Turner provides insightful advice gift-wrapped in wisdom for those who may easily lose sight of the broader landscape of non-negotiables of the creation account. Turner presents seven ways to maintain balance between emphasis and priority, or, more informally,...

Evangelical Perspectives of Genesis 1-2

Discussion Board PromptHaving read chapters 1 through 5 of Reading Genesis 1-2: An Evangelical Conversation, respond to the following two prompts in an initial post, followed by discussion with peers:Based on the presentation of each position from the book, state the...

Mosaic Authorship of Deuteronomy

During Moses’s lifetime, neither the alphabet nor a fully functional language, such as Hebrew, even existed. Moses could not have possibly known all the content written in the Pentateuch that occurred long after he lived. Accordingly, the reason for anonymity is...

Structure and Theology of Deuteronomy

The content and structure of the book of Deuteronomy may be foreign to many congregants. The sermonic structure of Moses’s three primary speeches alongside the idea that law and grace may exist in an interdependent reality, rather than in opposition, may...

Exodus in Ancient Near East

IntroductionThe biblical law codes, and specifically the Covenant Code within the book of Exodus, present a conundrum to many modern Christians who attempt to understand the relevance of what appear to be obscure and often disturbing rules of morality. However, the...