
Christian Married Couples: Similarities & Differences

In the PREPARE/ENRICH training, Dr. Olson discusses couple strengths. There are a number of theories/ideas about what constitutes a couple’s strength(s). Some texts recommend that couples should be similar so that they have their likenesses to lean on in...

Christian Blended Family Issues

What do you see as some of the most impactful challenges involved in a blended family coming together under one roof? What areas would you seek to address in counseling a couple thinking about remarrying to form a blended family?ResponseThe challenges of a...

Christian Premarital Counseling

What is the status of premarital counseling in your church/community? What level of importance does your church place on the institution of marriage, and are they doing anything creative to support young marriages?ResponseI have attended a non-denominational church,...

Christian Versus Secular Spirituality

Defining the terms spirituality and Christian spirituality continues to feed an ongoing debate. Fernando Garzon (2011) suggests that Christian spirituality means focusing on developing an intimate relationship with Christ “that progressively transforms...

Biblical Counseling

Of the six issues in contemporary biblical counseling identified by Powlison (2010), the integration of human motivation is the most significant (pp. 241-246). Jay Adams (1970) asserts that the purpose of nouthetic counseling is “to correct sinful behavior...

Therapeutic Uses of Scripture

1. What are the most important therapeutic uses of Scripture in counseling?Mark McMinn (1996) references Stanton Jones’ work that conceptualizes four important therapeutic uses of Scripture in counseling. First, certain counseling strategies may draw directly...

Sinfulness of Psychology

1. Respond to the following: Psychology is just sinful human beings sinfully thinking about sinful human beings. Clarify your rationale for agreeing or disagreeing with this statement.The pejorative nature of the statement appears illogical on three counts. First, if...

Prayer in Counseling

1. What are some cautions or possible negative impacts regarding the use of prayer in counseling?A number of risks exist when using prayer in counseling. First, regarding intercessory prayer for the needs of a counselee, it is possible that the client will assume that...

Healthy Sense of Self

1. How would you describe a “healthy sense of self”?Mark McMinn (1996) suggests that a healthy sense of self is one who has “an accurate understanding and acceptance of themselves,” which leads to “greater emotional or spiritual...

Counseling Suffering People

1. How should you counsel suffering people? Is the point of counseling to remove all suffering? Why or why not? Three reasons suggest that the point of counseling is not to remove all suffering. First, suffering has the benefit of promoting growth (James 1:2-4). In...

Confronting Sin in Counseling

1. How do you decide when to confront sin in counseling, and what form of confrontation to use?Deciding when to confront sin in counseling depends on two major factors. First, the level of trust the counselee has with the counselor, and second, the willingness of the...

Why Did God Give Me Disease

An 8-year-old boy named “George” was diagnosed with a rare constellation of five auto-immune diseases; two of these diseases were terminal and could take his life. At the time of diagnosis, the diseases were very aggressive; he faced the possibility of...

Pastoral Immorality and the Doctrine of the Church

A pastor has served a local church for 10 years. However, he developed an immoral relationship with the young lady serving as his administrative assistant. The associate pastor of the church learns of this affair and struggles with what to do.The associate pastor...

Ministering to Pregnancy out of Wedlock

Jean came from a dysfunctional home where her biological father abandoned the family and her mother was physically abusive toward the children. As a result, Jean was removed from her home and placed in foster care. Eventually, she was placed in a loving Christian...

Internet Pornography: Man and Sin

A young lady is engaged to be married. However, she discovers that her husband to be is addicted to internet pornography. She seeks counsel from her father concerning this issue. He shares for her not to worry about this issue. He states that the young man...

Christian Therapeutic Willingness

1. How would you help a counselee in the attending position become a willing participant in the counseling process?Important assumptions to facilitate the movement from the attending position to the willing position in the counseling process include the perspective...

Christian Solution Focused Brief Therapy

This discussion will show that a sound rationale exists to support solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT). First, it will provide a brief comparison between SFBT and positive psychology (PP) and then present a research-based argument to support SFBT. An annotated list...

Pastoral Counseling Models

David G. Benner’s “Strategic Pastoral Counseling Model” and Ron Hawkins’ “Pastoral Assessment Model and Counseling Scenario” have numerous similarities and differences. Both models support brief therapy, assume God is working,...

Textual Issue of 1 Samuel 13.1

If someone in your church finds a study Bible footnote that describes the textual problem in 1 Samuel 13:1 and wants to know what the original text said, how would you answer them?The textual challenge of 1 Samuel 13:1 is particularly daunting due to the limited...