
Hellenism and Judaism

What were the origins and influence of Hellenism in Israel during the Intertestamental Period. Be sure to identify any problems this movement caused for the Jews and describe the Jewish response to these problems. Which Hellenistic rulers most aggressively tried to influence Jews with Hellenism? How did Hellenism positively and negatively impact the Jews? What modern movement parallels the rise of Hellenism?

Self Awareness

How would you describe a “healthy sense of self”?

Interpretation of Scripture

What are the basic critical methods in Carson and Moo. Which method offers the most promise for attaining a clear interpretation of Scripture, and why? How can this method help a modern interpreter?

First Century Judaism

Describe the basic attitudes of first-century Jews toward the Gentiles. Compare and contrast the definitions of the terms “proselytes” and “God-fearers.” What were the requirements for a Gentile to fully convert to Judaism? What can Christians today learn from the attitudes between the Jews and Gentiles of the first century?

History of Confession

How does the history of confession relate to periods of persecution and integrate into the early church’s thought about the doctrines of salvation and the church? That is, if a baptized believer succumbed to persecution and gave up his/her faith, did the church believe salvation was lost as a result? Also, could the church include Christians who denied their faith?

Image of God

What does it mean to be made in the image of God? What features of the Creation account explain the relationship of the woman to the man?

Problem of Evil

The problem of evil has perplexed theologians for centuries. What are three common solutions? This article explores three common solutions to the problem of evil?

Biblical Inerrancy

What is biblical inerrancy and what is your position? of the Bible? This article explores an evangelical, yet undogmatic perspective of one of the most controversial topics of twentieth century theology.

Systematic Theology

What is Systematic Theology and how does it relate to three other disciplines of theology: biblical theology, historical theology, and philosophical theology? Find out the answers in this insightful post.

Christian Apologetics

This research brief describes Christian apologetics in the second century. What were the accusations against Christians? How did apologists like Justin respond? What apologetic principles could be used today in a modern context? All these questions and more are answered in this article.

Augustine Conversion

Do you want to learn about St. Augustine's Conversion experience, who witnessed to him, and what other factors led to his coming to faith in Christ? This article will answer these questions and more.            Augustine is already a...

The Galatians

Do you know the occasion and purpose for the writing to the Galatians. Who were the opponents of Paul in Galatia? What was the nature of the opponents’ doctrine and how did Paul respond to it? This article will answer these questions and more. In the face of...

Trial of Jesus

Do you know the events that led to the Trial of Jesus that created conflict between Jesus and the Jewish and Roman authorities during Jesus’ last week. This article explains this as well as the Jewish and Roman phases of Jesus’ trial and which parts of...

Comparing the Gospels

Have you ever spent time comparing the Gospels. This article summarizes the differences and similarities between the beginnings of each Gospel. Explains what these differences tell us about the emphasis of the authors in each Gospel and describes the details of...

Jewish Sects

How do the beliefs of the Jewish Sects of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes compare? Are there parts of these groups’ beliefs that can be agreed with? Why? Which party controlled the Temple and was apparently on better terms with the Romans. Pharisees were...

Biblical Canon

What is a good definition of the biblical canon and what is the basic criteria and chronology of the formation of the New Testament canon. Why did early Christians feel a need to establish an authoritative list of Scripture? What element in the criteria is most...