Christ is the End of the Law- Paul’s View
According to Paul was Christ the “goal” or the “end” of the law?
According to Paul was Christ the “goal” or the “end” of the law?
In his second letter to the Corinthians, Paul writes of his personal experiences of visions and revelations (1 Cor. 12:1 [NASB]). Paul continues by explaining a time where he was “caught up to the third heaven” (1 Cor. 12:2). Accordingly, an important question is whether one could categorize Paul as a mystic.
Paul’s encounter with Christ on the Damascus Road caused a tectonic shift in Paul’s religious paradigm.
Paul’s theology behind the meaning of being “in Christ.” What he means and the authority he uses to explain the terminology.
Give the evidence to support Luke as author of Acts. How could Luke become aware of privileged information such as found in Acts 23:25–30, 25:14–22, and 26:30–32? How important are the “we” passages in Acts to determining authorship?
Present an overview of the evidence for determining the date Acts was written. What indicators of historical reliability are found in Acts? What role does Luke as author play? Why are the issues of date and author important to a proper interpretation of Acts?
In his book, A Rulebook for Arguments author Anthony Weston explains the rules for good argumentation. The following analysis provides three examples of the author undermining his own recommendations followed by a brief analysis of David Hume’s argumentation against the teleological argument for God’s existence.
One practical example of the dichotomy of faith and reason facing Christianity today is in the sphere of pastoral counseling.
What are the most important therapeutic uses of Scripture in counseling?
Define the “Synoptic Problem” and describe the development of the Gospels according to the text. Give an overview of the top four solutions that scholars have offered to this “problem.” Why is Markan priority the most common scholarly solution? Which arguments both for and against it seem strongest? Which solution to the Synoptic Problem do you support, and why?
Define some of the major sources used to reconstruct the history of the Intertestamental Period. Which of these sources do you consider the most important, and why? Why is the study of these sources important to a proper understanding?
Salvation by grace, not works, is at the core of the gospel of Christ. Although works have no salvific impact, this post will show that the role of works in the Christian life is to bear fruit to further the accomplishment of God’s will. Specifically, the post defends the Christian perspective of the relationship between salvation and works, and then provides a defense of the proper role of works.
Christian apologetics is a defense of the Christian faith in Jesus Christ. This post will show that the appropriate primary role of Christian apologetics is to strengthen the church. Although Christian apologetics is broad in scope, this post specifically addresses the importance of strengthening the body of Christ against the heresies of secularism and religion, which ultimately result in increased effectiveness and motivation of evangelistic efforts.
Psychology is just sinful human beings sinfully thinking about sinful human beings. Clarify your rationale for agreeing or disagreeing with this statement.
Compare and contrast the beliefs of the Pharisees, Sadducees, and Essenes. Describe which parts of these groups’ beliefs with which you agree and disagree, stating your reasons accordingly. Which party controlled the Temple and was apparently on the best terms with the Romans?
Cautions or possible negative impacts regarding the use of prayer in counseling?
Pick two Gospels and present the external and internal evidence for the authorship of each. Describe the purpose and intended destination of each, supporting your answer with evidence. Why is the authorship of the Gospels an important issue for Christians in today’s society?
Describe the Jews’ view of God and their basic worldview in the Intertestamental Period. What kinds of changes took place in these areas during this period? How do the elements of this Jewish worldview fit (or not fit) with your own worldview?
Provide an overview of Jesus’ birth and childhood, comparing and contrasting the accounts of Matthew and Luke. Which account describes visions of angels as the way God warns Joseph and Mary, and which utilizes dreams? Evaluate the genealogies in each. Can they be harmonized? Why or why not?
What were the basic differences and similarities between daily life in Israel and daily life in the Roman Empire. How did the people of the first century live, eat, dress, work, travel, learn, or enjoy entertainment? Include an overview of the typical life of a Jew in the first century. Which of these elements do you find most surprising? What similarities exist between the first century and today?