Donald S. Whitney’s book, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life, is a thoughtful exploration of various Christian disciplines that broadens the traditional Protestant training regarding the means of saving and strengthening grace.
William Fay’s book Share Jesus Without Fear, is based on the premise that all believers can share the Gospel and never fail, and the purpose is to encourage believers to do so.
Henri J. M. Nouwen’s book, Reaching Out: The Three Movements of the Spiritual Life, examines three aspects of spiritual movement. Loneliness to solitude, hostility to hospitality, and illusion to prayer.
David Platt’s book, Radical: Taking Back Your Faith from the American Dream, is a call to a radical abandonment of the perceived safety and comforts of the American culture in order to advance the kingdom of God.
Mark McMinn’s book, Psychology, Theology, and Spirituality in Christian Counseling, attempts to bring theology, evangelical spirituality, and psychology into the counseling office
David Earley’s book, Prayer: The Timeless Secret of High-Impact Leaders, is a practical exposition on prayer and its relationship to spiritual leadership.