
Solution Based Pastoral Counseling

PART 1: THE COUNSELING SETTINGOverviewSolution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a short-term therapy that focuses on potential solutions rather than problems. SFBT is a brief therapy that limits the number of counseling sessions to approximately four or five sessions,...

The Biblical Counseling Movement Book Review

Primary GoalDavid Powlison (2010) explains that, for Jay Adams, the primary goal of counseling is righteousness (p. 102). Distinct from a forensic righteousness, Adams’s focus on righteousness centers around behavioral change into the likeness of Christ where...

Surrender to Love Book Review

Primary GoalBenner’s goal of counseling is wrapped up in his definition of repentance and conversion. For Benner (2015), repentance is turning away from the world and simultaneously turning to Jesus; while conversion is “the lifelong transformational...

Hurt People Hurt People Book Review

Primary GoalWilson’s (2001) Law of Relationships states, “Hurt people hurt people” often to feel better about themselves which results in causing shame, a sense that the individual is not good enough or worthless (pp. 15-16). Accordingly,...

Effective Biblical Counseling Book Review

Primary GoalLarry Crabb’s goal of counseling revolves around one word – maturity. Crabb (2013) states that the goal of counseling is “to free people to better worship and serve God by helping them become more like the Lord” (p. 24). According...

Knowing Jesus through the Old Testament Book Review

Christopher Wright’s book, Knowing Jesus Through the Old Testament, transports readers through the Old Testament on a journey to find the heart and mind of Jesus. Wright is a prolific writer with a Ph.D. from Cambridge and currently the director of international...

Evangelical Theology Book Review: Barth

SummaryThe following review of Karl Barth’s work, Evangelical Theology: An Introduction, provides a summary and an appraisal of the book’s content. The author’s intent is to offer an abbreviated account of four decades of theological musings. Barth...

A Theology of Liberation Book Review

SummaryThe following review of Gustavo Gutiérrez’s book, A Theology of Liberation: Politics, History, and Salvation, provides a summary and an appraisal of the book’s content. The purpose of Gutiérrez’s book is to explicate a theology...

Four Views on Hell Book Review

As the title suggests, The Four Views on Hell explores the nature of hell. Four prominent professors express their views on the nature of hell and then provide rebuttals to the alternative views presented. William Crockett, Ph.D., professor of New Testament at...

The Complete Green Letters Book Review

Miles Stanford’s book, The Complete Green Letters, published by Zondervan in 1983, is an exploration of a believer’s identity in Christ. The theme of Stanford’s work is that all spiritual growth rests on a believer’s status as a new creation...