
Why are we here?

Lives Transforming…that is exactly why we exist: we are a motley crew of Christ-followers learning how to continually be transformed into His image. Transformation comes when we renew our minds by focusing on God’s Truth. We ask questions like “So What?” “How?” and sometimes even “Why?”

We started asking these questions with great intensity when lives of Christian friends seemed to be falling apart all around us: husbands committing adultery, moms burying invisible depression with pills, wives suppressing anger until it finally exploded, men hiding resentment of controlling wives, college graduates hiding secret images, employees taking tranquilizers to handle the stress of pleasing bosses, pastors being rejected and abandoned by their churches, families in financial distress and believe it or not, many, many more.

Millions of Christian men and women go to church every Sunday, most pray daily and many read their bible every week. They work hard, re-commit, and then try even harder. And then wake up not understanding why they are soaked in sweat from anxiety, angry with their spouse, frustrated with their children and looking for relief. But nowhere in scripture are we promised that going to church, praying or reading the Bible transforms lives. In fact Jesus said, “if you just use my words in Bible studies and don’t work them into your life, you are like a dumb carpenter who built a house but skipped the foundation. When the swollen river came crashing in, it collapsed like a house of cards. It was a total loss.” (Luke 6:49 – The Message). Of course there is nothing wrong with going to church. Nothing wrong with reading the Bible. But – if you don’t know how to work God’s Truth into your life, you can expect your house to come crashing down like a house of cards. So HOW do you work Truth into your life? Simple – but not easy: by changing the way you think. “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.” (Romans 12:2 – New Living Translation).

Here’s how it happened with me: God was transforming me with the Truth I was never taught in Sunday school class even though it was right there between Genesis and Revelation. Truth from scripture started coming alive, and sometimes the Truth seemed ridiculous. Truth like “challenges are gifts” (James 1:2-3 – The Message): I grew up thinking God was punishing me when life got tough. Truth like “I no longer need to try to impress God” (Galatians 2:19-21 – The Message): I always thought I needed to impress God or else. Truth like “it doesn’t matter if others approve of me” (Luke 6:26 – The Message): I was taught if everyone liked me, God could “use” me more. Truth like “if other people need corrected…God can handle that without my help” (Romans 14:2-4 – The Message): I was taught that it was my job to hold people accountable. (See My Story) So as God’s Truth started to be released from the Spirit of Christ in us and resonate in our minds, our lives began to transform. Anxiety and depression medicine was decreased and eventually thrown out. Marriages started to reconcile. Anger started to subside. Divorced men and women became civil. Worry dissipated and frustration subsided. Lives all around us, hundreds of lives all around were transforming. And we are inviting you to join us and discover Truth.

Here’s my personal commitment: You will be challenged. You will be moved. You will be loved. And you will have the Truth of scripture throughout our Transforming family of sites. We may not always agree, but you won’t get personal opinions without biblical support. You won’t get judged by us, just a steady dose of Truth. Lives Transforming is a safe place to take a deep breath, look around and discover Truth. You will learn to discern lies, apply Truth, and connect with other travelers on the journey. You will be encouraged, immersed into the stories of others, and possibly inspired to contribute.

Our site has been created to allow you to submit articles and content and share what God is doing in your life. So register, email us, or call us and participate! Our contact information and phone numbers are accessible to anyone who’s interested in Lives Transforming!

out of dark - Why Are We Here?
Live of Christians2 - Why Are We Here?
Traveler on Tracks2 - Why Are We Here?